Wei Chen
4100 John R. Mail Code: MM03BI Mid-Med Lofts Detroit, MI 48201Office Address
4100 John R.
Mail Code: MM03BI
Mid-Med Lofts
Detroit, MI 48201
Research Interests
- adaptive clinical trial design and Bayesian statistics
- biomarker discovery and pharmacogenomic modeling
Research Description
Dr. Chen specializes in the design and statistical analyses of research projects in the basic science and clinical programs of the Department of Oncology, as well as for researchers across the School of Medicine who are members of the Karmanos Cancer Institute. She also functions as a co-Investigator for statistical aspects on research projects directed by principal investigators from the Population Studies and Prevention Program, the Molecular Imaging and Diagnostics Program, and (former) Molecular Biology and Genetics Program of the Karmanos Cancer Institute.
Selected Publications
Wang G, Niu X, Zhang W, Caldwell JT, Edwards H, Chen W, Taub JW, Zhao L, Ge Y. Synergistic antitumor interactions between MK-1775 and panobinostat in preclinical models of pancreatic cancer. Cancer Letters. 2015;356(2 Pt B):656-68.
Bollig-Fischer A, Chen W, Gadgeel SM, Wenzlaff AS, Cote ML, Schwartz AG, Bepler G. Racial diversity of actionable mutations in non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 2015;10:250-5.
Kong D, Sethi S, Li Y, Chen W, Sakr WA, Heath E, Sarkar FH. Androgen Receptor Splice Variants Contribute to Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness through Induction of EMT and the Expression of Stem Cell Marker Genes. The Prostate. 2015;75:161-74.
Ahmad A, Sethi S, Chen W, Ali-Fehmi R, Mittal S, Sarkar FH, Up-regulation of microRNA-10b is associated with the development of breast cancer brain metastasis. Am J Transl Res. 2014;6:384-90.
Meng F, Speyer CL, Zhang B, Zhao Y, Chen W, Gorski DH, Miller FR, Wu G. PDGFRα and β Play Critical Roles in Mediating Foxq1-Driven Breast Cancer Stemness and Chemoresistance. Cancer Res. 2014;75:1-10.
Lin HS, Rowley JA, Folbe AJ, Yoo GH, Badr MS, Chen W. Transoral Robotic Surgery for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Factors Predicting Surgical Response. The Laryngoscope. 2014 Oct 24;24970.
Al-Kadhimi Z, Gul Z, Chen W, Smith D, Abidi M, Deol A, Ayash L, Lum L, Waller EK, Ratanatharathorn V, Uberti J. High Incidence of Severe Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease with Tacrolimus and Mycophenolate Mofetil in a Large Cohort of Related and Unrelated Allogeneic Transplantation Patients. Biol Blood Marrow Tr. 2014;20:979-85.
Vaezi A, Bepler G, Bhagwat N, Malysa A, Rubatt J, Chen W, Conrads T, Wang L, Kemp C, Niedernhofer LJ. CCTα is a novel antigen detected by the anti-ERCC1 antibody 8F1 with biomarker value in lung and head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Cancer 2014;120:1898-907.
Soubani AO, Shehada E, Chen W, Smith D. The outcome of cancer patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Journal of Critical Care. 2014;29:183.e7-183.e12.
PhD in Biostatistics (2006): University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan